
Showing posts from December, 2014

Info Air Asia Hilang kontak - Tour Guide in Indonesia

Air Matamu adalah air mataku, kesedihan mu adalah kesediahanku. Sepenggal kata tersebeut adalah ungkapan hati untuk negeri tetangga kita Malaysia, yang menerima cobaan ke tiganya setelah dua tragedy pada bab dan judul yang sama tentang penerbangan beberapa waktu yang lalu. Seolah olah kesedihan ini begitu setia menhampiri Malaysia. Namun kali ini yang mebuat sedih adalah saudara saudara kita yang banyak menjadi korban, bayangkan 161 penumpang sebagaian besar adalah saudara saudara kita. Ya Rabbi, Ampunkan dosa kami ya Rabb. Gantikan kesedihan ini jadi senyuman Gantikan tangisan ini jadi kebahagiaan. Ya Rabb, Penuhi dada dada kami akan keiklhasan akan Takdir mu ya Rabb. Penuhi negeri ini akan keberkahan, keamanan, ketentraman. Dan Jauhkan negeri ini dari Malapetaka. Kabar hilangnya kontaknya pesawat Air Asia QZ 8501 usai lepas landas dari Bandara Surabaya mengagetkan keluarga Kapten Irianto. Keluarga berharap segera ada kabar dan Kapten Irianto pilot pesawat Air Asia QZ 8501 serta semua

Info North Seram Moluccas Centre and West Kalimantan - Tour Guide in Indonesia

Seram et Kalimantan OUEST After, getting sick of Malaria, for almost 1 week, finaly i could continue my trip to north of Seram, the schedule was a bit chaos owing to changing idea of the client, at the beginning we'd like to visit Naulu tribe in the south in the village of Ikano, finaly we visited the tribe of Naulu in the North, the wear the same red color head cover.  after 1 weeks explorng north of Seram, snorkeling in different spot, discover naulu and the river of Croc, finaly we drove back to Ambon,  i get back to ambon almost several time til now, nice city and friendly habitant who always say hi to my client :) .  we took  flight with lion air from ambon to balikpapan via makassar, i came back for several time to this lovely city, one of my favorite city in my life. why that Balikpapan is my favorite City ? 1.the city is absolutely Clean. 2.people are so friendly 3,you can eat alomost in every corner in the city, where you can eat nice and delicious Food. ocean restaurant i

Info little souvenir Festival baliem 2014 - Tour Guide in Indonesia

I was in the village of Wolisimo when festival Baliem Vallee took place here, i though it's a pity if i didn't put my little film when i was there. this is rare chance for every body to see this festival, because every years always different date eventhought same month, like in the festival of Lake sentani, it takes place in the same date, month and same place, so people wont be confuse to comme and witnes it. it has been second time i was in the festival, first time when i was in baliem with marrie-rose, and the second time with dany and Claude. this time we came to papoua to see this festival, and then to do trecking in koroway, and trecking in Mentawai island west of sumatera. hope that claude and dany will come for the 3rd time in Indonesia next year, doing trecking in different spot :) voyageindo

Info Trecking in Mentawai Octobre 2014 - Tour Guide in Indonesia

We had met the family of Amantiru last August, he told us that they didn't have Gong, than he said someday if somebody would give them a Gong, they would celebrate the party during 3 days, so when i had a new client i bought a Gong and gave this familly a Gong, finaly they made a party during 3 days and 2 night. they slaughtered 4 big pigs.