Info Nusa Tenggara - Tour Guide in Indonesia

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Info Nusa Tenggara - Tour Guide in Indonesia

Nusa Tenggara
A group of islands of the western Malay Archipelago between the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean. The Greater Sunda Islands include Sumatra, Borneo, Java, and Sulawesi; the Lesser Sunda Islands lie east of Java and extend from Bali to Timor. Sumatra and Java are separated by the Sunda Strait, a narrow channel linking the Indian Ocean with the Java Sea.

Archipelago extending from the Malay Peninsula to the Moluccas. The islands make up most of the land area of Indonesia, with only northern and northwestern Borneo and the eastern portion of Timor not under Indonesian political control. They include the Greater Sunda Islands (Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, and adjacent smaller islands) and the Lesser Sunda Islands (Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Sumba, Flores, Timor, Alor, and adjacent smaller islands). Most of the islands are part of a geologically unstable and volcanically active island arc. Malay cultures and languages predominate in the area.

Sunda Islands (sÅ­n'dÉ™) , mainly in Indonesia, between the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, comprising the western part of the Malay Archipelago. It includes two main groups: the Greater Sunda Islands, to which belong the largest islands of Borneo, Sumatra, Java, and Sulawesi; and the Lesser Sundas, which lie E of Java and include Sumbawa, Flores, Timor, and Sumba (the largest islands). Bali and Lombok, although smaller, are the most important of the Lesser Sundas. The Lesser Sundas, which were renamed Nusa Tenggara [southeastern islands] in 1954, form two provinces within Indonesia. Malaysia, Brunei, and East Timor are the other nations wholly or partially in the Sunda Islands. The Sunda Strait, 20 to 65 mi (32–100 km) wide, between Java and Sumatra, connects the Java Sea with the Indian Ocean.

The Lesser Sundas deciduous forests are found on a string of volcanic islands. They stretch across the Java Sea between Australia and Borneo. It is part of a unique biogeographic region known as Wallacea, which contains a very distinctive fauna representing a mix of Asian and Australasian species. These distinctive seasonal dry forests harbor unique species, including the Komodo dragon, the largest lizard in the world, and seventeen bird species found nowhere else on Earth. A combination of shifting agriculture and human-caused fires has significantly reduced the amount of natural forest in this ecoregion.

Location and General Description
This ecoregion represents the semi-evergreen dry forests in the Lesser Sunda Islands. It extends eastfrom the islands of Lombok and Sumbawa to Flores and Alor in the Indonesian Archipelago. Rinjani volcano on Lombok is the highest mountain in the ecoregion, at 3,726 meters (m). The Lesser Sundas are an inner volcanic island arc, created by the subduction and partial melting of the Australian tectonic plate below the Eurasian plate. The islands represent Tertiary and Quaternary volcanoes that have coalesced with lava and sediment. There is actually a geologic discontinuity between Lombok and Sumbawa, on the Sunda Arc, and the rest of the islands, part of the Banda Arc. With the exception of Komodo, which is Mesozoic, most of the islands were built during two pulses in the Tertiary (Mio-Pliocene) and Quaternary (recent). This ecoregion is separated from Bali and Java to the west by Wallace's Line, which marks the end of the Sunda Shelf. With an average annual rainfall of 1,349 millimeters (mm), this region is the driest but also the most seasonal in Indonesia. Based on the Köppen climate system, this ecoregion has a tropical dry climate zone. This distinctive climate has given rise to a vegetation that is strikingly different from that of the rest of the archipelago. Much of the natural habitat is composed of monsoon forests and savanna woodlands.

The monsoon forests consist of several forest subtypes, notably moist deciduous forest, dry deciduous forest, dry thorn forest, and dry evergreen forest. Moist deciduous forests also occur as a band of lowland forest at the base of the hills and as gallery forests along streams, especially on Komodo Island. Dominant trees include Tamarindus indica and Sterculia foetida. The dry deciduous forest at altitudes below 200 m is dominated by Protium javanicum, Schleichera oleosa, and Schoutenia ovata, whereas at medium altitudes, from 200 to 800 m, the dominant tree is Tabernaemontana floribunda. At these altitudes, lianas and climbers become common, especially the white-flowered liana Bauhinia. Above 1,000 m, Euphorbiaceae tend to become common and well represented.

Dry thorn forest is another type of monsoon forest in this ecoregion, although little is left because it has been cleared by setting fires. This forest formation still exists along the southeast coast of Lombok and the southwest coast of Sumbawa but is being cleared in the latter region for road building, mine development, and a transmigration site.

Dry evergreen forest occurs above dry deciduous forest and below the true evergreen montane forest, at 1,000 m above sea level on Mt. Batulante in northwest Sumbawa. Below 1,200 m on the north slopes, Albizia chinensis is a characteristic species. Other common species include Chionanthus, Prunus, and two Cryptocarya species. On many islands, drier areas in steep-sided valleys contain gallery forest. On Sumbawa, for instance, gallery forest is found from sea level to 2,000 m above sea level and is also present in lower montane forests. By contrast, the southern hill slopes along the southern coasts are kept moist during the dry season by the southeast trade winds, and dipterocarp rain forest occurs on the southwest hills of both Lombok and Sumbawa. Lombok also contains one of the few remaining patches of tropical semi-evergreen rain forest, at volcanic Mt. Rinjani, which acts as the major water catchment area for the whole island.

Twenty-meter-high mixed montane forests of Podocarpus and Engelhardia are found from about 1,200 to 2,100 m, with lianas, epiphytes, and orchids such as Corybas, Corymborkis, and Malaxis very much in evidence. At higher elevations of up to 2,700 m, Casuarina junghuhniana forests occur. Toward the summit, from 3,300 to 3,400 m, the rocky ridges were once covered with lichens, mosses, grasses, herbs, and some ferns but are now being eroded. On Sumbawa, the south slopes of Mt. Batulante above 1,000 m are covered with a Cryptocarya-Meliaceae montane forest, although species composition varies with moisture. This forest is dominated by two species of Cryptocarya, one in the drier and usually lower forest (from 1,000 to 1,500 m above sea level) and the other at higher or moister sites. Drier, stonier slopes in poorer forest are the only places where lianas are common. Further east, from the eastern part of Flores to Alor, the forests are dominated by Pterocarpus indicus.

There are also two types of savanna in this ecoregion: a Borassus flabellifer savanna that occurs from sea level to 400 m on Komodo, Rinca, and the north and south coasts of Flores; and the Ziziphus mauritiana savanna, which occurs on more sandy clay alluvial, and sometimes water-logged, soil. The dominant grasses are Eulalia leschenaultiana, spear grass (Heteropogon contortus, Themeda frondosa), and Themeda triandra.

Biodiversity Features
This area, part of the Wallacean sub-region, includes a mix of Asian and Australian fauna, and because of the long years of isolation from the mainland it harbors many endemic mammals and birds. Most of the endemic mammals occur on Komodo and Flores eastward, rather than Lombok and Sumbawa. One of the important and better-known endemic species in this ecoregion is the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis), the largest lizard in the world.

The mammal fauna in this ecoregion consists of fifty species, including five ecoregional endemics, including the critically endangered Flores shrew (Suncus mertensi) and the vulnerable Komodo rat (Komodomys rintjanus) (Table 1). With the exception of the New Caledonia dry forests, with six endemic mammals, the five endemic mammals in this ecoregion are more than are found in any other dry forest ecoregion in the Indo-Pacific.

This ecoregion also harbors about 273 bird species, of which 29 are endemic or near endemic (Table 2). The ecoregion is consistent with the Northern Nusa Tenggara Endemic Bird Area (EBA). Of the twenty-nine restricted-range species in the EBA, seventeen are found nowhere else in the world. Three are endemic and threatened, including the endangered Flores monarch (Monarcha sacerdotum) and the vulnerable Wallace's hanging-parrot (Loriculus flosculus) and Flores crow (Corvus florensis). In addition, the white-rumped kingfisher (Caridonax fulgidus) is the sole representative of an endemic monotypic genus.

The Komodo dragon deserves special mention. It is the largest lizard species in the world. Varanus komodoensis occupies five islands: Komodo, Padar, Rinca, Gili Motang, and Flores. These animals range from sea level to approximately 450 m in elevation, mainly in tropical deciduous monsoon forest, tropical savanna, and grassland. They feed on a wide variety of animal food, including insects, lizards, snakes, birds, deer, wild boar, monkeys, and bird eggs; they also feed on carrion. Adults may have a foraging range of 500 hectares (ha). There are approximately 4,000 protected individuals in Komodo National Park.

The Islands
The islands of East Nusa Tenggara have been shaped by the power and force of an enormous chain of volcanoes which begins in the north of Sumatra and stretches east across Java, the legendary 'Ring of Fire'. The province consists of over 550 islands, but is dominated by the three main islands of Flores, Sumba, and Timor. Occupying a unique position at the junction of Australian and Asian submarine ridges marked by the Wallace Line, it is one of the world's most dynamic and exotic marine environments in the world. The arid landscape of eastern and southeastern Nusa Tenggara is the result of hot, dry winds blasting in from the Australian continent. In fact, in May coastal areas not a drop of rain falls during most of the year.

"Flores", is a Portuguese name, which means "flower", and ideally describes the beauty to be found here. This Long Island between Sumbawa and Timor is crowded with volcanoes and mountains, dividing it into several regions with distinct languages and traditions. Predominantly Catholic and heavily influenced by the Portuguese, there are many examples of a strong European cultural heritage, like the easter procession held in Larantuka, and the Royal regalia of the former king in Maumere.

Formerly known as the Sandal Wood Island, Sumba is now famous for its horses and a superb style of ikat cloth. Spirits, both ancestral and natural, are worshipped. West sumba is famous its enormous megalithic tombs and traditional thatched and peaked huts raised on stilts. Incredible rituals are a way of life here, such as the "Pasola", where hundred of horsemen fling spears at each other in an annual tradition. Many traditional ceremonies, all paying homage to the spirit, take place from July to October, including the building of 'adat or traditional houses. Burial ceremonies require the sacrifice of hundreds of pigs, water buffaloes, horses, and dogs. Other ceremonies include "Pajura" or traditional boxing, festivals for the Lunar New Year in October and November, horse races and ritual dances.

Timor is the Principal island in the province in terms of population and its is here that the provincial capital of Kupang is located. Timor is rich in culture, beautiful scenery, and magnificent wildlife. The isolated communities have developed a variety of architectural styles. Unlike other parts of East Nusa Tenngara, the roads in Timor are generally good and public transportation is relatively well developed. Kupang is the gateway to Nusa Tenggara with regular, direct flights to and from Darwin in Australia as well as with rest of the archipelago.

The provincial capital of East Nusa Tenggara in western Timor has proximately 522.944 inhabitants, making it the largest urban center in the province. It is the center of government, business, trade, and education. 'The only sandal-wood oil factory in Indonesia is located in this town.

A lovely community about 45 km from Kupang with regular market days and a natural swimming pool, where local people bathe, do their laundry, and socialize as they have for thousands of years.

Camplong is also a forest reserve protecting rare animals such as the Cervus Timorensis deer and several species of parrots and monkeys.

Semau Island
Thirty minutes by boat from Kupang, this unatained island paradise is well worth stop over. The surrounding crystal- clear waters offer exceptional snorkeling and swimming. Bamboo bungalows are available right on the white sandy beach, and you can barbeque your freshly-cough dinner while enjoying a spectacular sunset.

A port town on the northeastern coast of Flores is a good place to stop over on the way to Ende or Larantuka. It is well connected by air with Kupang, Denpasar and Ujung Pandang, and is noted for its good beaches. The bay of Maumere is considered the best diving spot in Flores , a paradise for divers, underwater photographers, and anyone interested in marine biology. Ledalero museum on the outskirts of Maumere has an interesting collection of the ethnological objects from region. Visitors are welcome but advance arrangementss should be made. Ledalero is also home to a major Catholic Seminary where many Florinese are trained.

This town contains the home in exile of the first Indonesian president Soekarno during the early period of nationalist movements in 1936. The house has been repaired and is today a museum.

Mt. Kelimutu
East Nusa Tenggara's most-visited natural wonder, and one of Indonesia's most mysterious and dramatic sights, is found on top of this mountain, some 66 km from Ende, or 83 km from Maumere.

The spectacular view of its three crater lakes, each with a distinct color, is not only a major tourist attraction, but the stuff of myth and legends. The lakes have continuously changed their colors over the years: today the largest is light turquoise, the next olive green and the third black. The local people go to the first when they die, the old to the second, and the black lake is reserved for thieves and murderers.

A little fishing town at the extreme western part of Flores, this town serves as jumping -off point for the trip to Komodo Island. It is a beautiful area for water skiing, wind surfing, fishing, and many other marine activities.

Komodo Island
A small island of 280 square km, Komodo is located between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores. It is famous for its giant lizards, considered the last of their kind remaining in the world today, the Komodo Dragon. Called "ora" by the local people, Komodo ".Dragon" (Varanus Komodoensis) is actually a giant monitor lizard. Growing up to 3 to 4 meters in length, its ances-tors roamed the earth up to about half a million years ago. Komodos live on goats, deer, and even the carcasses of its own kind. The only human population on the island is at the fishing village called Komodo who supplement their income breeding goats which are used to feed the lizards. The Komodo is protected by the law and although they are considered harmless, it is advisable to keep them at a distance. Komodo Island is now a nature reserve, home to a number of rare bird species, deer, and wild pigs, which are prey to the lizards as well.

A little port nestled at the base of a tall hill at the eastern end of Flores, Larantuka has a strong Portuguese cultural heritage. The annual Easter Procession held in this town is well worth the trip if you are here at this time of the year.

Lamalera Whale Hunting
Lamalera on Lembata Islan is awhaling village. The months of May to September are the whale hunting season for the people of Lamalera. Using simple traditional tools as small row boats and hand-thrown harpoons, the hunters sail out to hunt these giant creatures of the sea. The catch is either consumed or sold.

An archaic little town in Western Sumba, full of old graves carved in motifs of buffalo-horns, horses, nude men and women. Symbolizing social status or the wealth of the people. There are several megalithic tombs. The front of many traditional houses are decorated with huge water buffalo horns from the animals sacrificed during rituals of years gone by Tarung village, an impor-tant ceremonial center, is located on top of a hill just a half kilometre to the west of Waikabubak.

Anakalang is the site of the "Purtung Takadonga Ratu", an important mass mariage festival held every two years, on a date determinated by the full moon.

Other Places of Interest

The most famous festival in Nusa Tenggara, Pasola pits huge teams of brightly costumed horsemen against each other in 'mock' battles. The competitors are so fierce, despite the use of blunt spear injuries and deaths are still a common occurrance.

The main activities start several days after the full moon and coincide with the yearly arrival on shore of strange, multi-hued seaworms.

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