
Showing posts from January, 2013

Info Interesting places in ternate - Tour Guide in Indonesia

Pictured by Eko harwanto,  i took this picture with my pocket camera, when i came from Jailolo to meet some of entomologist local, i went to jailolo to see mr Jafar, i've visited d'hook hotel and some interfeting place, like subaim and some nice spot to see paradise bird in kali batuputih sidangoli, sp6 dodaga before the trecking to see togutil, than i've been in Morotai island to visit kakara and some nice spot to snorkel and butterfly spot. Palace and Museum of Sultan Ternate Build in 1813 by the 40th sultan ternate, Muhammad Ali, this tour site is located in soa sio district North Ternate City District. The architectural have the shape of sitting lion with two forelegs supporting its head. Right now, the main room is functioned as a meseum with cultural item and historical arttifacts that show the glory if ancient Sultan Ternate, such as a Crown, Writing hand Al-qur’an, Twins coconut ( by Sangir King) and war equipments. A Crown which enriched by kind of precious stone a

Info Meet Togutil in septembre 2012 - Tour Guide in Indonesia

So, Finally, it has been several time i have been in North Mollucas,thanks to the clients who asked for tour programme i remote place, thanks to rare species of butterfly like ornitopthera Croesus, Aisacuz, thakns to the primitive tribe who live in the jungle, that we are willing to see them in the forest. i've been in some several remote area, Togutil area in Halmahera, Baliem valley, Koroway, Mentawai tribe in sumatera west, Polahi in North Sulawesi, Naulu Seram central Mollucas,Kubu tribes in Sumatera and so on, and all primitive tribe that i can not mention one by one. but the beautifull forest can be found in halmahera, it's still dense and i would say still intact. but people who want to construct the house they just go the forest and cut the trees, it's a pity, none of forest gard i've seen there. Thank you so much for denis CALLEWAERT and jean-loup who has trusted me to make a tour programme in halmahera, morotai and ternate, they have never seen me, but they tr

Info Entomologist 2012 in North Mollucas - Tour Guide in Indonesia

I was in Halmahera, bacan and obi, before the client came to this island, i had seen the ilsand first, just in case, to make easy my trip here, after meeting psecialist local, who really know about butterfly, i have met truely 2 entomologist in the sialnd of bacan and obi, they have had expereiment for buttefly during more than 25 years. his name is Sibelum TOTONOAN in the island of obi, and the second one namely Mr Alizi, entomolgist in bacan island. i gave 98% nice point for mr alizi. the clients was happy with his profesionalism. My thank goes to Bruno penin, d'otelo, and daniel debruyne for contacting me in this trip Trip Ornitoptera CROESUS Entomologist 2012 in North Mollucas island oh Halmahera,Bacan,Obi Ternate /  Halmahera /Bacan / Obi /  Morotai/ Jailolo Day 01 : Arrival / Makassar Day 02 : Makassar – Ternate Day 03 : Ternate – ile de Halmahera / Bacan Day 04 – 07 : ile Halmahera / Bacan Day 08 : Bacan – Obi Day 09 – 11 : Obi Day 12 : Obi – Ternate – Morotai Day 13 – 15 :

Info Entomologist Trip Kalimantan 2009 - Tour Guide in Indonesia

Catch the Butterfly The Trip of Amateur entomologist in 2009 at the fisrt time, when i arrange this kind of special interest tour, it was in 2009, 3 clients from france ask me to tailor tour programme based on Butterfly catching. but this is a mix trip, between culture, adventure and entomologist trip. it was quite chalenging and great fun, so i tailor their trip from Balikpapan than taking the wooden boat in the river of Mahakam, than we navigate a bit deep inside of tanjung isuy and stay overnight in simple losmen, than continue taking small wooden boat  to Mancong, here is the detail tour programme when i were there with my clients. TOUR PACKAGE DISCOVER KALIMANTAN Day 1. Balikpapan – Samarinda – Mahakam river* Day 2. Muara Muntai, Tanjung Isuy, Mancong Day 3 & 4. Tering, Long Iram, Datah Bilang, Rukun Damai Day 5. Rukun Damai, Data Bilang, Long Iram, Tenggarong Day 6. Tenggarong – Loa Janan – Balikpapan Day 7. Balikpapan – Banjarmasin, river tour Day 8. Floating market – home i

Info Funeral Ceremony in Toraja Land - Tour Guide in Indonesia

Funeral ceremony in Toraja Land since i have become a tour guide, some funeral ceremony that i've seen was quite a lots, and i can't mention it all. but a huge funeral ceremony which impresse me just some of them, one of them was funeral ceremny which has been held by the family of head of the region Amping Situru in 2006. some criteria of this impressive event are based on this category : 1.the Construction of the building we called it in local langauge -Lantang, the constuction of temporary house to welcome family who come from faraway, the building when it's constructed until 3 staire, it means that this is big funeral ceremony.i'veseen it as amazing building 2.the location. location which impressed me a lots, because it's located in isolated village, quite place, surrounded by panorama of rice field, which bring our fantasy in tale story, this was true.really realy nice place. 3.the number of participant. i still remeber well when the openig ceremony held

Info Welcome to my Blog - Tour Guide in Indonesia

Dear Visitors, It has been a great pleasure to welcome you in my simple blog, i would like to dedicate this blog for those who need complete tour destination all over Indonesia. I have taken my licence in 1996 when i was in tourism academy Makassar, it was called BPLP at that time with the Director Mr Wayan Bendi, after 1 year studied in Bplp Makassar, i work for 6 months in one of the travel agent in Makassar, namely suita tours and travel for handling tours and ticketing. than i work at the airport for one of the travel agent namely Paldur tours and Travel ( now this travel doesn't exist, due to economy crisis ), than i moved to another travel agent namely Caraka Travelindo as an airport representative during 1 year. Getting bored with the hustle bustle of the Airport experience, finally i've chosen to be a tour guide as a french speaking guide, owing to many tourist coming from france in 1998. i still remember with a very kind people who directed travel agen caraka, his name

Info Kalimantan - Tour Guide in Indonesia

Balikpapan, the gateway to East Kalimantan with air and sea connections to Jakarta and other major cities of Indonesia. On the left map-route you can see clearly the flight connected destinations from UjungPandang to Balikpapan or from Semarang to pangkalanbun. Formerly known as Borneo, Kalimantan is the world's second largest island. The North and North-western part of the island are the East Malaysian state of Serawak and Sabah, with the newly independent state of Brunei Darusalam between them. The tremendous outspread of jungles and wilderness, which are so rich in natural resources as timber, gas, oil and coal as well as scenic beauty - are comparable to that of a continent alone. Focal point for most visitors is the mighty Mahakam river, which meanders through thousands of kilometers through one of the worlds largest tropical rainforests, from its head water near the center of the island.The twenty main Dayak tribes - once feared as headhunters have their homes in this river b

Info Irian Jaya - Tour Guide in Indonesia

Irian Jaya ,previously known as Irian Barat ( West New Guinea ,West Papua, or West Irian ) How to reach Irian Jaya : Most people fly from Jakarta ( the capital city of Indonesia ) and get a transit flight from makassar to Jayapura via Biak. By Garuda flight : Depart from Jakarta at 21:40 hours and arrive at Makassar airport at 00:15 hours for transit stop, then depart from Makassar at 01:30 hours, arriving at Biak at 05:10 ( early morning ) then from Biak to Jayapura - arriving at 07:00 ( in the morning ) Irian Jaya at a glance Irian Jaya is a hot, humid island rising from the sea with some of the most impenetrable jungles in the world and yet also has snowcaps covering 5,000 meter-high mountain peaks, towering over glacier lakes.Irian Jaya is Indonesia’s largest and easternmost province and covers the western half of the world’s second largest island. It is a land of exceptional natural grandeur, with beautiful scenic beaches, immense stretches of marshlands,cool grassy meadows and po

Info Nusa Tenggara - Tour Guide in Indonesia

Nusa Tenggara LESSER SUNDAS ISLANDS A group of islands of the western Malay Archipelago between the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean. The Greater Sunda Islands include Sumatra, Borneo, Java, and Sulawesi; the Lesser Sunda Islands lie east of Java and extend from Bali to Timor. Sumatra and Java are separated by the Sunda Strait, a narrow channel linking the Indian Ocean with the Java Sea. Archipelago extending from the Malay Peninsula to the Moluccas. The islands make up most of the land area of Indonesia, with only northern and northwestern Borneo and the eastern portion of Timor not under Indonesian political control. They include the Greater Sunda Islands (Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, and adjacent smaller islands) and the Lesser Sunda Islands (Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Sumba, Flores, Timor, Alor, and adjacent smaller islands). Most of the islands are part of a geologically unstable and volcanically active island arc. Malay cultures and languages predominate in the area. Sunda Is

Info Java - Tour Guide in Indonesia

Java Java (Indonesian, Javanese, and Sundanese: Jawa) is an island of Indonesia and the site of its capital city, Jakarta. Once the centre of powerful Hindu kingdoms and the core of the colonial Dutch East Indies, Java now plays a dominant role in the economic and political life of Indonesia. Housing a population of 124 million, it is the most populous island in the world. Java is also one of the most densely populated regions on Earth. Formed mostly as the result of volcanic events, Java is the 13th largest island in the world and the fifth largest island of Indonesia. A chain of volcanic mountains forms an east-west spine along the island. It has three main languages, and most residents are bilingual, with Indonesian as their second language. While the majority of Javanese are Muslim (or at least nominally Muslim), Java has a diverse mixture of religious beliefs and cultures. Jakarta the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia, is a special territory enjoying the status of a provin