
Showing posts from August, 2013

Info Tips Perjalanan Wisata Anda - Tour Guide in Indonesia

1. Keamanan  Photo kopi paspor Anda, Simpanlah foto paspor dan tiket di account email berbasis web Anda. Anda juga dapat menyimpan rincian darurat Anda kehilangan kartu 'nomor telepon di akun email berbasis web Anda sehingga Anda tahu siapa yang harus dihubungi jika kartu kredit atau kartu ATM hilang atau dicuri. Dengan cara ini, bahkan jika Anda kehilangan segalanya, Anda memiliki akses langsung semua informasi penting Anda. Anda bahkan dapat email halaman rincian paspor ke kedutaan atau konsulat saat mengajukan permohonan yang baru.  Juga pertimbangkan untuk menulis Alamat rumah Anda dan  nomor ponsel pada label Bagasi di tempat yang terlihat. Jika bagasi Anda hilang dan label bagasi ada, setidaknya maskapai masih bisa mencari tahu siapa bagasi itu. 2. Pisahkan barang berharga Anda Pisahkan kartu bank Anda, uang tunai, cek perjalanan dan kartu kredit sebanyak mungkin di saku yang berbeda, tas dan dompet . Jikalau saja/ seandainya/ seumpamanya/ kalau kalau saja Anda dirampok ( sem

Info Paket Tour Toraja 4 Hari 3 Malam - Tour Guide in Indonesia

Paket Tour Toraja 4 Hari 3 Malam Hari 01 : Makasar - Toraja (L, D) Peserta berkumpul ditempat yang telah ditentukan dan langsung dijemput untuk memulai perjalanan menuju Tana Toraja. Siang hari singgah di restoran local di Pare-Pare untuk makan siang. Perjalanan dilanjutkan dan sore hari singgah untuk sightseeing di Gunung Nona Enrekang. Perjalanan dilanjutkan dan malam hari check in hotel. Makan malam kemudian acara bebas Hari 02 : Toraja Tour (B, L, D) Setelah sarapan langsung memulai kunjungan wisata ke LEMO yang terkenal sebagai kawasan pemakaman tertua di Tana Toraja. Lalu menuju SUAYA yang dikenal sebagai makam raja-raja lalu mengunjungi SANGALLA tempat pemakaman bayi. Makan siang direstoran local. Setelah makan siang mengunjungi LONDA gua tempat pemakaman yang juga terdapat banyak patung yang dikenal denan Tau-Tau. Selanjutnya wisata ke KETEKESU, untuk melihat rumah adat Tana Toraja. Sore hari kembali ke hotel. Makan malam dilajutkan acara bebas. Hari 03 : Toraja  tour  (B, L, D

Info Paket wisata Toraja 3 hari / 2 Malam - Tour Guide in Indonesia

MAKASSAR TORAJA TOUR 3 Hari / 2 Malam Hari  01: AIRPORT HASANUDDIN MAKASSAR - TORAJA (L,D) Setiba di Bandara Hasanuddin Makassar, anda akan dijemput oleh pemandu wisata kami, kemudian kita akan memulai perjalanan sekitar 8 jam ke Tana Toraja dengan melewati perkampungan suku Bugis dengan pemandangan alamnya yang indah. Makan siang akan disajikan di seafood restaurant di kota Pare-Pare. Sore hari kita akan singgah sejenak di Puncak Lakawan untuk coffee break dan photo-stop menikmati pemandangan alam Gunung Nona yang menakjubkan. Petang hari tiba di kota Rantepao. Makan malam akan disajikan di local restaurant. Selanjutnya check in di Hotel untuk beristirahat. Hari 02: TORAJA TOUR (B,L,D) Setelah makan pagi di Hotel, acara tour selama sehari  di sekitar Tana Toraja. Pada pagi hari kita akan mengunjungi Lemo, sebuah kuburan batu dengan barisan patung tau-tau. Selanjutnya kita akan mengunjungi Kete’ Kesu, perkampungan khas suku Toraja yang terkenal dengan rumah adat Tongkonan dan lumbung p

Info 8 Days / 7 nights Trecking in Baliem Valley - Tour Guide in Indonesia

8 DAYS - 7 NIGHTS BALIEM TREKKING DAY 01 : JAYAPURA ARRIVAL CONNECT TO WAMENA (L,D) Upon arrival at Jayapura airport, meet and greeting service by your guide and check in on the flight to Wamena around 11.00h, right in the heart of the Baliem Valley. Flying past vertical mountain cliffs and mist clad valleys, you will understand why the place remained isolated for so many centuries ! After passing local customs – there are alcohol restrictions in the Baliem Valley. we will report to the police office, and then We will visit traditional market and local house namely honai, you may see people wearing the traditiona cloth of lani with the big koteka. After lunch we can visit the town of baliem. stay over night in rannu jaya Hotel. DAY 02: WAMENA - KURIMA - KILISE (B,L,D) After breakfast, then drive in 40 minutes to Sogokmo with your guide, porters and cook, the starting point of the trekking to Kurima, sub District of the tribe on level terrain then continue climbing the Hesegem hill on t

Info !4 days / 13 night Koroway and Baliem - Tour Guide in Indonesia

14 DAYS / 13 NIGHTS KOROWAI CANNIBALS  - BALIEM VALLEY TREKKING DAY 01 : JAYAPURA ARRIVAL WAMENA (O). Arrive at Sentani airport of Jayapura, meet by tour guide, then catch Trigana flight to Wamena at 10.00am, 12.00. Upon arrival at Wamena airport , transfer to Baliem Pilamo hotel for a short briefing by guide about the tour and trekking. After lunch, touring around Wamena town and traditional market and villages surrounding. Afternoon back to hotel for dinner and stay overnight. (baggage allowance for this flight is 15kg per person) DAY 02 : WAMENA – DEKAI by Flight (B.L.D) transfer to the Airport for catching regular flight to Dekai. Depend on weather, the plane may be delay cause bad weather. Make more preparation in Dekai for the next day by  charter motorized canoe. Rest of the day you may walk around Dekai villages  to explore Dekai Tribe. Lunch and dinner will be provided by our cook. These flight very often delayed or canceled due to bad weather. If canceled you shall be transf

Info Koroway Tribe - Tour Guide in Indonesia

The Tribe of Korowai  The Korowai, also called the Kolufo, are a people of southeastern Papua (i.e., the southeastern part of the western part of New Guinea). They number about 3,000.[1] Until 1970, they were unaware of the existence of any people besides themselves.[2] The Korowai language belongs to the Awyu–Dumut family (southeastern Papua) and is part of the Trans–New Guinea phylum. A grammar and a dictionary have been produced by a Dutch missionary linguist. The majority of the Korowai clans live in tree houses on their isolated territory.[3] Since 1980 some have moved into the recently opened villages of Yaniruma at the Becking River banks (Kombai-Korowai area), Mu, and Mbasman (Korowai-Citak area). In 1987, a village was opened in Manggél, in Yafufla (1988), Mabül at the banks of the Eilanden River (1989), and Khaiflambolüp (1998). The village absenteeism rate is still high, because of the relatively long distance between the settlements and the food (sago) The Korowai are hunte

Info Festival Baliem Valley 2013 - Tour Guide in Indonesia

Explore  remote  Papua  attend the  Baliem Valley Festival  scheduled to take place  from  12th -15th August  this year. This is the one occasion when all the diverse tribes from the highlands of Wamena and the  Baliem Valley  such as the  Dani, Lani,  and the  Yali  congregate to celebrate their annual festival. This year the festival will be centered in the district of Jayawijaya. Located high in the Jayawijaya mountains on the Indonesian side of the island of New Guinea, Baliem is a stunningly beautiful green valley long hidden beyond soaring hills. Highlight of the Festival is the mock tribal warfare held to maintain the agility and preparedness of the tribes to defend their villages. To prepare for these mock battles, organizers have prepared an arena of 400m by 250m that will be filled with 500 to 1000 of warriors and dancers. The tribal war simulation is scheduled to be held during two days featuring about 26 groups of 30-50 warriors. These mock battles are accompanied by the Pa

Info Discover the Tribe of Dani in Baliem Valley - Tour Guide in Indonesia

Papua – Dani Tribe in Baliem Valley Baliem Valley and the Dani tribe waited a long time to be discovered. Papuan highland belongs to one the most recently explored New Guinea areas. The tall mountains in west Papua (Irian Jaya) were generally considered as uninhabited. No sooner than 1398 did the pilot Richard Archbold notice that there was something special about the deep, and large valley situated among the four-thousand meter tall mountains. In the valley there were clearly recognizable fields, similar to those he knew from Europe. The Baliem valley and Dani tribe were discovered by pure luck. Baliem Valley, inhabited by the Dani tribe, is the most fertile part of the highland covering the west of the New Guinea Island – Papua (Irian Jaya). Baliem Valley lies about 1800 m above the sea level, and it is surrounded by a crest of mountians some of which reach up to 4500 m. There are even some fish in the Baliem River which flows through the valley. The area covered by the Baliem valley